SprinkFDT-Q Software

This software helps the sprinkler system design to accurately predict the pre-action valve trip time and deliver water to remote area. The highly accurate calculations allow systems over the NFPA 750-gallon (2839- liter) volume restrictions to be installed with confidence.

Fluid Delivery Time Calculations

Tyco SprinkFDT QTM software is used to verify the water delivery time of the system. This UL Listed software calculates (1) maximum water delivery to the four most hydraulically remote sprinklers and (2) minimum water delivery to the four least hydraulically remote sprinklers. Additionally, it can calculate the simultaneous activation of these same sprinklers.


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Accurate Calculations

This software enables designers to predict preaction valve trip time and validate water delivery requirements.

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UL Listed

SprinkFDT-Q is UL Listed and can take the place of a physical trip test, helping saving time and cost.

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Unmatched Support

Our software technical team has decades of collective fire protection experience in both software and contracting.

Technical Specification

Approvals UL Listed – can take the place of a physical trip test Calculations Validation of minimum water and maximum delivery time
Licensing Available only to licensed Quell / VanQuish contractors
A laptop on a desk with a finger pointing at a screen

SprinkCAD Software Suite

Save time and ensure quality with the SprinkCAD software suite. Developed to offer fire sprinkler system designers a powerful set of digital tools to create precise solutions. 

Learn about our all-in-one software package