- Tyco-Fire
- Products and Solutions
- Performance Based Design
- Quell / VanQuish Fire Sprinkler System
- SprinkFDT-Q Software
SprinkFDT-Q Software
This software helps the sprinkler system design to accurately predict the pre-action valve trip time and deliver water to remote area. The highly accurate calculations allow systems over the NFPA 750-gallon (2839- liter) volume restrictions to be installed with confidence.

Fluid Delivery Time Calculations

This software enables designers to predict preaction valve trip time and validate water delivery requirements.

SprinkFDT-Q is UL Listed and can take the place of a physical trip test, helping saving time and cost.

Our software technical team has decades of collective fire protection experience in both software and contracting.
Technical Specification
Approvals | UL Listed – can take the place of a physical trip test | Calculations | Validation of minimum water and maximum delivery time |
Licensing | Available only to licensed Quell / VanQuish contractors |
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SprinkCAD Software Suite
Save time and ensure quality with the SprinkCAD software suite. Developed to offer fire sprinkler system designers a powerful set of digital tools to create precise solutions.
Learn about our all-in-one software package